Selena Quintanilla Perez as everyone knows was a wonderful preformer..but was taken from the world to soon and way too young. This is my little tribute to her to remember she will never be forgotten.

In Life She Was The Queen Of Tejano Music In Death The 23 yr old Singer Is Becoming A Legend.

Welcome to Como La tribute to Selena
Selena Quintanilla Perez
Born:April 16,1971
Death:March 31,1995

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bibi Bibi Bom Bom-English

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Bidi bidi bom bom
Bidi bidi bom bom
Bidi bidi, bom bom
Bidi bidi bidi bom

Every time
Every time I see him pass
My heart goes crazy
And it starts to beat

And it get excited (it gets excited)
It doesn't reason anymore
I can't control it
And it get excited (it gets excited)
It doesn't reason anymore
and it starts to sing to me
It sings to me like this, like this

Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom)
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom)
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom

Every time
Every time I hear him speak
My legs tremble
And my heart too

And it get excited (it gets excited)
It doesn't reason anymore
I can't control it
And it get excited (it gets excited)
It doesn't reason anymore
and it starts to sing to me
It sings to me like this, like this


When I hear this song
My heart wants to sing like this


It sings to me like this, it sings to you,
Every time I see him pass

My heart goes crazy
Every time I see him pass
And it starts to beat
like this, like this

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